Gyeongbokgung - Bukchon Hanok Maeul-Gwangjang market-N- Seoul Tower & Namsan Mt. – Hongdae street

Language English
Cost 250000 KRW for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 4 people
Duration 8 hours

Architecture is center of tour. It represents spirit of times, and Confucianism was spirit of Joseon Dynasty. With the information of Confucianism, guest can appreciate the authentic beauty and value of Korean culture and Gyeonbokgung, along with young & vibrant and contemporary culture of Korea.

Gyeongbokgung is not only the essence and highlight of palace architecture of Joseon Dynasty, which represents traditional Korean culture & spirit, but also, the most beautiful architecture and place in whole Korea.

Bukchon Hanok Maeul is hanok(traditional Korean house) village with long history, largest cluster of about 1,000 hanoks.

Korean street food at Gwangjang market and panoramic view of Seoul at Namsan.

Hongdae street is young & vibrant street for street performance of Korean POP song & shopping.


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