Astana city tour

Language English, Russian
Cost 250 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 10 people
Duration 8 hours

1. Bayterek: The symbol of the independence of Kazakhstan. Ascending to the observation deck for panoramic views of the cityscape and the Ishim River.

2. Nur-Astana Mosque: Visiting the grand Nur-Astana Mosque, one of the largest mosques in Central Asia. Admire its stunning architecture and learn about Islamic traditions and culture.

3. Khan Shatyr: Experience the futuristic Khan Shatyr Entertainment Center, designed by renowned architect Norman Foster. Explore its shopping mall, indoor beach, and entertainment facilities.

4. Palace of Peace and Reconciliation: Discover the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation, a pyramid-shaped building dedicated to promoting religious and ethnic harmony. Marvel at its intricate design and visit the Museum of National Unity.

5. Astana Opera: Attend a performance at the Astana Opera House, a cultural gem known for its world-class ballet, opera, and theater productions. Immerse yourself in the vibrant arts scene of Astana.

6. Kazakh Eli Monument: Take a stroll along the Nurzhol Boulevard to see the Kazakh Eli Monument, symbolizing the unity and progress of Kazakhstan. Admire its architectural significance and snap memorable photos.

7. Duman Entertainment Center: End your tour with a visit to the Duman Entertainment Center, featuring an aquarium, 3D cinema, and interactive exhibits showcasing the diversity of Kazakhstan's natural and cultural heritage.

Throughout the tour, I will provide insights into Astana's history, culture, and modern development, ensuring an informative and enriching experience for visitors.


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