Thimphu Tshechu

Language English
Cost 2600 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Any number of people
Duration 1 week

Explore the unique cultural heritage of Bhutan through its colorful celebrations, each offering a glimpse into the kingdom’s traditions and values.

Thimphu Tshechu held in Trashichhodzong is a major religious and social event in Bhutan. While the festival spans three days for the public, monks and dancers start preparations months ahead. Mask dances performed during the annual Tshechu are among the most visible manifestations of Bhutanese art. This year, Thimphu Tshechu will happen from 13th-15th September.


Discover some of the most sacred Buddhist monasteries and temples in the Himalaya.

View sacred dances and rituals performed by monks and laymen in elaborate costumes.

Experience Bhutan’s unique culture up-close with farmhouse visits and village excursions

Join in with locals in a special occasion of celebration, blessings and socializing.

Visit many cultural attractions including medieval fortresses (Dzongs), markets and museums.

Hike up to the famous Taktsang Monastery, perched on a cliff 900m above the valley floor.

Marvel at the elaborate and ancient wall paintings and carvings in Dzongs and temples.

Drive over high mountain passes affording sensational views of the Himalayan peaks.

Traverse beautiful landscapes from lush valleys to dense forests.


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