Jomolhari Trek

Language English
Cost 3200 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of more than 10 people
Duration 7 hours

The most popular trekking routes in Bhutan. With altitude differences of 2,500m and nearly 5,000m it offers a wide range of landscapes, fauna and flora. The highlight of this trek is the spectacular view of Mount Jomolhari from Jomolhari Basecamp (Jangothang).


Experience fabulous views of snow-capped mountains such as Mt. Jumolhari and Mt. Jichu Drake.

Traverse beautiful landscapes from lush valleys to dense forests.

Discover Bhutan’s unique culture up-close with farmhouse visits and village excursions.

Camp overnight at the base of Mt Jumolhari.

Spend time Marvelling at the ancient wall paintings and carvings in Dzongs and temples.

Discover some of the most sacred Buddhist monasteries and temples in the Himalaya.

Visit many cultural attractions including medieval fortresses (Dzongs), markets and museums.

Hike up to the famous Taktsang Monastery, perched on a cliff 900m above the valley floor.


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