Shakhrisabz one day tour

Language English, Japanese, Russian, Spanish
Cost 160 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 5 people
Duration 10 hours

Shakhrisabz is born place of Amir Temur. Full of historical and nature place. While going to the Shakhrisabz , we will cross mountains. It is possible to stop and take pictures.

Shakhrisabz is 2 hours away from Samarkand. Located in Kashkadaryo region. It means you can see other different regions with Samarkand. This place is so common among guests.

Destinations: ○ Ak-Saray palace

○ Chubin medrese

○ Tomb of Jakhangir

○ Crypt of Temur

○ Dorut Tilyovat

○ Kok gumbaz

Tour includes: ☆Private car

☆Local guide

☆Entrance tickets

Tour excludes: lunch


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