Ingo Werner Scheumann is a local private tour guide in Germany, Austria

Hello, dear Tourists! Enjoy Austria and south of Bavaria a notch above the rest!

What is the biggest problem for tourists?

You spend a lot of money only for airplane tickets and hotels!

You have only limited time, but you want to see as much as you can.

As the local expert, I offer you tailor-made services and full programms for your travel. You will save a lot of time and money to see more and to enjoy your trip!

So welcome to my tours on English, German or Russian!

To be a private tour guide is not a job for me, but it´s my passion!

See you in Austria

With sunny regards from Salzburg

Yours Ingo Scheumann

PS: What do you think about concerts of classical music?

Languages English, German, Russian
Currencies Euro (EUR)

Excursions (6)

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