Ioannis Kotzianoglou is a local private tour guide in Greece

Gaining my initial experience in the field in 1982 with a specialized incoming travel agency named Talos Tours, based in Crete. For the next twelve years I successfully represented and provided services for many European travel and tourism companies.

Relocating to Brussels I subsequently diversified into tour operating which, from 1992 to 2000 enabled me to accrue extensive knowledge and experience along with personal/business contacts within the field of European and world travel and tourism.

On my return to Crete I decided to utilize my combined accumulated experience within the Greek market as niche Touroperator (special interests programs)

Special interests tours (Birding, Botanic and Photography Tours)

Unique and intimate wine and food touring throughout Crete

Outdoor Activities Tours

Small group travel

Languages English, French
Currencies Euro (EUR)

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