Madalina-Maria Iancu is a local private tour guide in Romania

Life Mission:

I want to bring a positive contribution in this world. Guide. Inspire. Life changer. Explorer through life. Budha Badass!

Some words about me:

I like to discover and explore new things, people, places, expand my horizons, a free spirit that learns every day. I love Romania and I like to show its hidden beauties to the tourists. Romania is a country to discover because it has so much to offer but only the tour guides know to reveal its secrets. 🙂


Political Science, Tourism

Past experiences:

Camino – the portughese route in 2012 – 250 km on foot with backpack,

Sky Run in Bucharest in january 2016 – 34 floors run, 680 steps, 119 metres with no training in advance.

Languages English, French, Italian, Spanish
Currencies United States dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Romanian new leu (RON)

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