Gary Gao is a local private tour guide in China

Since 2008 I began to be a private tour guide, to help my client with business travel and private trip in china

As an experienced tour guide, I would now like to provide quality PRIVATE tours exclusively for visitors traveling independently in Beiiing,Shanghai and cities nearby(Tianjing.Datong.Chengde.Haerbin.Xian.Guilin.Chengdu)along with customized tours designed to meet your specific wants and needs

Also can make the customize trip for you to Hongkong and Macao

My tours are based on save your time, save your money, guarantee your safety Show you the city about the people, culture and history and special food

All can negotiated! welcome to China

Please feel free to contact me

Languages Chinese, English
Currencies United States dollar (USD), Chinese yuan (CNY)

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