BAJIRAO THUBE is a local private tour guide in India

I am working as Licenced Professional Russian guide,Technical Russian-English Interpreter / Translator & Teacher from 2001 at Mumbai and all over India.

My self B.E. Electrical, B.A.Russian & Ex. Indian Naval Defence Officer.

Retired in July 2001 from Indian Navy,Ministry of Defence, India after 18 years Service.

Studied at Riga, Latvia, Former USSR from 1987 and Further in Russia and till date having continued experience as the best & professional russian-english interpreter,translator & teacher and russian guide.

Russian technical consultant for factories visits, inspections and technical & commercial audits.

Till date worked with many russian companies like - gazprom, transnefth, vniigas, vniist, npo mash reutova, granit,rubin, energomash, atomstroe, rosvoronexport, many steel companies, many paint manufacturing companies, many printing business firms, All Government Shipyards of Russia.

It is my pleasure to provide my services to Honarable Guests.

Lots of Respects.

Mr.Bajirao Thube

Languages English, Russian
Currencies United States dollar (USD), Indian rupee (INR)

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