Ayşe Yıldız is a local private tour guide in Turkey

I have been a licensed tourist guide since 2017 and currently living in the city of Mardin. My guiding area is mainly the region of Mardin, Diyarbakır, and Urfa, worth seeing cities in North Mesopotamia, southwest of Turkey.

Basically, I am an English and Spanish-speaking tour guide.

If you are interested in visiting this area, please see my tours and ask for more information about customized excursions.

Languages English, Spanish, Turkish
Currencies United States dollar (USD)

Excursions (5)

Traveler Reviews (1)

Cristina Pérez
05 NOV 2022
He viajado con Ayse durante cuatro días. Ha sido una guía muy amable y de confianza que nos ha mostrado su maravilloso ciudad y los alrededores. Muchas gracias Ayse por compartir esos días con nosotros!!,
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