Dinara Ankisheva is a local private tour guide in Kyrgyzstan

My name is Dinara and I am a guide and a tour operator in Kyrgyzstan. I am accredited as a National tourist guide and trainer by WFTGA. I was awarded as the best guide of Kyrgyzstan in 2017. During the whole time, being a guide and a tour operator I always kept in mind that every tour is a small life and we are guides those ones to assist guests to live it out happy in all aspects. Regardless of whether it is food, accommodation, or a historic site visiting. Every detail the tour itinerary is filled with, should be a real authentic experience, should create positive lifetime memories and give a full and complete insight in the life and culture of local people, traditions of nomads, history, geography, flora and fauna of the region, and so much more. But at the same time any tour as a life should be safe for the guest, comfortable and informative in term of any rules and local laws to run smoothly and to be respectful and to be respected. My goal is to create a unique and memorable tour for anyone as well as to assist local communities to develop sustainably with the help of tourism!

Languages English, German, Russian

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