Annette Philips is a local private tour guide in Kenya, Tanzania

Open, fun, adventurous and a good story teller. Well equipped with Mombasa, Nairobi, Kisumu and other cities like Kilifi and Malins. A great animal lover, environment conserver and ocean and space lover.

Offers such tours; solos, groups and teams. We could hike together, study, and enjoy nature as well. We could also travel to Zanzibar on ship.

Offers driving services as well as car hire services. Photography sessions also available. And of course, who wouldn't wanna taste my native meal :)

Come let's toss to a happy life.

Keep safe, sanitize and remember Corona kills.

Languages English, French, Swahili
Currencies United States dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Kenyan shilling (KES)

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