Emam Shaheen is a local private tour guide in Egypt

Hello Egypt lovers! If you are reading this, it means you are looking for a tour guide in Egypt and you have come to the right person. I'm an English speaking Egyptologist & tour guide with a masters degree in Egyptology. I was born and raised in Cairo- Egypt. Being a tour guide is more than just a job, it's my passion to show travelers whom I guide the hidden beauties of Egypt. i will take you off the beaten path to experience the unknown Egypt which you can't find alone or with a guide book. Let's explore true Egypt together with it's traditions and culture. Together we will connect

with the locals to listen to their stories and try thier foods and drinks.

What I offer....

with over 20 years of experience as a tour guide, I guarantee you very enjoyable and interesting tours. I will explain not only about ancient Egypt, but also about modern Egypt with its people, culture and traditions.

I will recommend you the best sites to visit , the best restaurants to eat , the best places to hang out and even the best picture spots .

I organize from a to z tours through Egypt starting from airports providing all transportations needed ,hotel reservations.

booking all types of Nile cruise trips [Boat-Dahabyas- Flucas and sail boats.

safari trips in eastern, western, Sinai desert

walking tours in Coptic Cairo with ancient churches ,Islamic Cairo .

My Background, Licenses and certificates

* professional Egyptologist & tour guide with a masters degree in ancient Egypt Art and Architecture

*licensed tour guide approved by ministry of tourism

*member of Egyptian guides union

*member of Arab tour guide union

Languages English, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish
Currencies United States dollar (USD), Euro (EUR)

Excursions (18)

Traveler Reviews (3)

Miguel Garcia
25 JUN 2023
Emam nos busco un guia en Español y nos acompaño en todo momento. Tuvimos una minivan para 8 personas muy confortable y con Aire Acondicionado, y el gui que nos acompaño nos explico con mucho detalle el museo, la iglesia copta de San Sergio y la ciudadela de Saladino. También nos acompaño hasta el Bazaar de Kham al Khalili y nos llevo a comer a un restaurante tipico a muy buen precio. Totalmente recomendable. Miguel
Tamara Boyle
20 AUG 2023
I traveled solo to Cairo, Egypt and was very fortunate that I had found Emam to be my guide. He took care of everything from picking me up at the airport, to making all the sights of Cairo so interesting, to arranging my pcr test, and getting me back to the airport. In between all that, he helped me converse with the airport about my lost luggage, introduced me to Egyptian foods and tea, and made sure I got to see all the sights I had wanted to. Plus he recommended many other things he thought I might be interested in, and he was right! Cairo can be noisy and chaotic, but Emam shows you the beauty of the city through its history and people. Emam is so knowledgeable about Egypt and made everything so interesting. I look forward to going back to Egypt to travel the Nile and visit more cities, and I hope Emam will again be my guide.
Adri Sanders
21 AUG 2023
Emam Shaheen has been our private guide for 4 days with Cairo being our base.
His fluent English and educational credentials (Egyptologist and guide, Masters in Egyptology) ensured that we obtained a good knowledge of the region's history as well as all the sites visited.

He always referred back to sites visited to help us understand how everthing linked together the different dynasties as well as the unification of the Upper and Lower Nile kingdoms.
Our transport was organised by him and included a driver in an airconditioned minivan.
We gave him a list of our must see sites and he worked out how to achieve that and included many more sites.
Even walking through downtown Cairo became a historical walk as he showed us the different architectural building styles after the Pharoahs.
We became friends during our days with him and with his friendly but professional conduct, made our trip memorable.
Lunches were mostly taken at authentic local Egyption restaurants away from the tourist areas.
Food was gorgeous.
For the part of our trip in Luxor he personally arranged our guide and transport. Being handpicked by Emam, all I can say that we had an excellant guide in Luxor, again explaining the inscriptions and history of Valley of the Kings, Luxor and Karnak Temples.
We are planning to go back to Cairo later this year once the New museum in Giza has been opened to the public.
Emam will again be our go to guide.
Thanks again Emam and see you soon!

Adri, Linda and Louise

Date of experience: May 2023
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