Rachid Mansour is a local private tour guide in Morocco

I am Rachid, an experienced and professional Tour Guide from Morocco's High Atlas Mountains. I was born and grew up in a small Valley named IMLIL, a Berber village located in the foothills of the High Atlas Mountains. The peace and the beautiful landscapes had an incredible impact on my personality. As I am generally in contact with nature, I am passionate about hiking, as it enriches my inspiration to walk in the desert and the mountains and pass through the Berber villages. It's the best way to go deep and have time for my beautiful inner peace, which made me super creative. I love to paint, sculpt, and photograph. I am absolutely in love with Marrakech because this city is part of me, and I enjoy going there whenever I can. I have been organizing trips for many years, and I offer all types of activities around Morocco. I would be thrilled to be your guide and share my old culture with you. I would be pleased if you could share your point of view on my region with me.

Languages Arabic, English, French, Spanish
Currencies Euro (EUR)

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