pedro sancho is a local private tour guide in Spain

My name is Pedro. Iam official Tourist Guide, restless father and amateur nature photographer.

It has become my passion to show residents and visitors the most beautiful places in Mallorca and specially its history and legends. I do really love to transmit our heritage to new generations and keep our history alive Let's forget time and discover what the island offers you. My tours are suitable for families with children. I want to show Palma from a different and particular perspective. If you love trekking I have got tours available where you will to know more about Sierra de Tramuntana declared a world heritage site.

If your passion is photography let me show you the most beautiful sites to enjoy a breathtaking sunrise and sunset.

I encourage you to see my tours and do not hesitate to contact me if you have got any doubt or query.

Languages Catalan, English, German, Spanish
Currencies Euro (EUR)

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