Vannen Meach is a local private tour guide in Cambodia

Hello! My name is Meach Vannen. I am 41 years old, an English speaking tourguide and currently reside in Siem Reap city in northwestern Cambodia. I grew up in Kampong Cham province northeastern Cambodia where I started my primary school until junior high school then I pursued my senior high school and bachelor's degree of tourism in Phnom Penh southern Cambodia. After graduation in 2004 I got a job at Raffles Hotel Le Royal Phnom Penh as a bartender for almost 10 years. In 2013 I passed an exam to be a tour guide that I completed a tour guide short course before guiding. Currently I work as an English Speaking Tourguide in Siem Reap and other provinces in Cambodia that I do both classic and adventure tours. I arrange the tours for travelers to make sure they are happy and enjoy their holiday. Besides guiding, in my free time I like doing some sports ( Valley ball, Fishing) and travelling.

Languages English, Khmer
Currencies United States dollar (USD)

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