Mostafa Mosbah is a local private tour guide in Egypt, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina

For your visit to Egypt, we are your reliable tour operator for a comprehensive range of travel services including:

- Private tours of Egypt that include pickup and drop off by a driver in a safe and modern vehicle and professional and friendly tour guide who speaks your language.

- Booking accommodations for different options, such as: Hotels, Nile Cruises, and Dahabiya.

- Rental of luxury and tourist fleet cars and buses with accuracy for scheduled times for pickups/drop-offs.

- Hiring your private tour guides, airport representatives, and valets.

- Booking your flights. We offer you professional, safe, and friendly service, quality for experiencing a lifetime visit to Egypt, and trust you are given the experience of a lifetime with passion and eagerness.

Started on 2006

Languages Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, ...
Currencies United States dollar (USD)

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